Early Childhood Care And Education

Children from 0-6 years are in rapid growing phase. Thus handling them with care and knowledge is important.

Are you a new mother and wondering how to understand your child's behavior? Or, are you a teacher looking for more knowledge on child handling? Both your search ends here. Know how to deal with the physical and emotional changes early age children experience.

Learning outcomes
  • To know the physical and emotional changes of children
  • To support children during their growing years psychologically
  • To understand steps to take to tackle the children
  • To identify disorders, if any, and its stage
Why Choose Us?
  • Globally accepted degree and certificates
  • Teachers of exceptional qualification and years of experience
  • Curriculum covers all possible theories and models as per latest research
  • Associated with internationally accredited bodies
The Benefits
  • Access the course materials anytime
  • Avail assistance in searching and selecting jobs
  • Gather latest knowledge with 21st century curriculum
  • Frequent webinars and expert chat sessions

Value Of Certificate

  • The certificates we provide to you are accredited by reputed and recognized by international bodies
  • The certificates are notarized from Canada
  • The certificates contain emblems of the logos of not only APTTI but International TEFL Canada also as we are a sister concern of it
  • All the courses are endorsed by international academic bodies and approved and validated as well
  • You receive the certificates within 30-90 days after you finish the course for they are dispatched right after the course
  • No need to worry about "online" or "distance course" mentioned on the certificate for there are not any
  • Indian learners do not have to pay any shipping charge for receiving the certificate at their address