TEFL in India: an Uphill Journey

TEFL in India: an Uphill Journey

A teacher expert in a particular subject-that’s nothing new. So, how can you add a little bit of edge to the career choice and stay ahead in the competitive world? TEFL course is your answer.

Indian schools, both ICSE and CBSE ones, are now rooting for TEFL qualified teachers. Multinational companies are more inclined towards hiring employees with sound knowledge and English and to train the existing employees, TEFL qualified individuals are the first choice.

So, the current trend in the academic field is acquiring a TEFL certificate. This trend is gaining rapid popularity for it is helping people make more effective career choices.

Since the time English colonies were established in India, there has been a certain extent of fondness of people for the language. And the tradition still runs the same.

In today’s context, the workplaces are multicultural and multilingual. More parents are admitting their children to English-medium schools from the expectation of a better future for their child. So, when you present yourself as a teacher with a TEFL/TESOL certificate, you are likely to be the first choice.

You can be residing in any part of the country. You can avail a certified course from your home metro city also.

AP Teacher Training Institute TEFL centers in Mumbai, Bangalore, Kolkata, Ahmedabad are ready to offer you a wide range of courses with flexible hours and course curriculums for yu to choose from.

Whether you set your heart to join the business world or the academic world or commercial field, communication in English Language is absolutely mandatory to achieve success. While signing up for a TEFL course, you do not become a teacher only but also a few other designation holder such as, language instructor, soft-skill trainer, Business English trainer at MNC companies etc.

So, whether you have decided to get a TEFL certificate in Chennai or a training centre is Pune, APTTTI has you covered.

Value Of Certificate

  • The certificates we provide to you are accredited by reputed and recognized by international bodies
  • The certificates are notarized from Canada
  • The certificates contain emblems of the logos of not only APTTI but International TEFL Canada also as we are a sister concern of it
  • All the courses are endorsed by international academic bodies and approved and validated as well
  • You receive the certificates within 30-90 days after you finish the course for they are dispatched right after the course
  • No need to worry about "online" or "distance course" mentioned on the certificate for there are not any
  • Indian learners do not have to pay any shipping charge for receiving the certificate at their address